We welcome your feedback about anything related to My Dancing Eyes.
Please create a post in this category to provide information and feedback to the My Dancing Eyes Team.
Feedback might include:
- Ways we can improve the content we provide to our community
- Issues or technology bugs
- feedback around the content published on our sites
Include as much detail as possible:
- Please include the URL of the page in question, screenshots or any way we can reproduce an issue your are experincing.
Privacy & Security when providing feedback:
This is a public forum, do not post sensitive information like contact details, passwords or anything you wouldn’t want a stranger to read. Please understand your feedback will likely appear in search results.
Security: If your feedback relates to a security concern, please don’t publish the details in this thread, rather contact us privately here, we have PGP Key for privacy also.
If someone is in danger? - If you beleive someone is in danger, plrease contact emergency services straight away.
Please Remember
- We are people just like you, we appreciate your feedback and understand your frustrations but please don’t be disrespectful to our staff.